Stop the Uinta Basin Railway

UPHE is part of the Stop the Unita Basin Railway coalition, and we are happy to announce the launch of the new website opposing the Uinta Basin Railway oil train:

Fueled by nearly $28 million in public funds, the proposed Uinta Basin Railway is being pushed full steam ahead. Proponents claim the railway would cause oil extraction in Utah’s Uinta Basin to increase by between 130,000 to 350,000 barrels of oil per day—a spike of up to four times current levels in the basin or roughly 2.6 percent of total U.S. crude oil production. Construction of the 85-mile railway would have major impacts in and of itself.

However, the frenzy of new drilling and fracking it would purportedly induce would be even more catastrophic for the region’s air, water, wildlife and wildlands, and would cause a massive new release of greenhouse gases, exacerbating the ongoing climate crisis.

Despite the scale of the project and its potential consequences, public awareness of the Uinta Basin Railway is generally low and heavily colored by the proponents’ million-dollar PR campaign. That is why it is critical that we are launching this new website.

Please check out the site and sign the petition!