
UPHE has partnered with various organizations and government entities to help implement community based programs that improve human and environmental health. Current programs are as follows:

Burn Smart Program

Burn Smart is a program that is working to reduce exposure to wood smoke pollution in Summit County by helping low and moderate income residents obtain cleaner and healthier sources of heat than wood burning stoves. It is a collaboration between UPHE, the Summit County Health Department, Habitat for Humanity Summit and Wasatch Counties, and Purple Air to improve air quality in Summit County, Utah. 

Lead Safe Housing Program

UPHE is working with Salt Lake County’s Lead Safe Housing program to help decrease the impact of lead poisoning on Utah children by offering free lead testing and free home lead remediation to qualifying families. Due to a HUD and CDC grant, we are able to repaint the interiors and exteriors of homes, replace windows and replace carpets for free if we detect sources of lead in the home. If you can answer yes to the questions listed below you may qualify for these free services!

Unmask My City

On World Asthma Day, Salt Lake City organizations joined doctors and healthcare professionals around the world to officially launch Unmask My City. Unmask My City is a global initiative to rally their peers and push for action on air pollution in 10 cities. This is a collaboration between UPHE, HEAL Utah, Utah Rivers Council, the Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance (MESA), and KRCL.

Air Quality Presentations

UPHE staff and board members give presentations throughout the Salt Lake Valley on air quality and air quality issues as a call to action for residents and government to make the change to improve air quality along the Wasatch Front and throughout Utah. Check out our Events page for upcoming presentations.