Local Utahn’s efforts to move away from polluting Big Ag

An excellent article in the SL Tribune follows the story of a Utah alfalfa farm in its effort to move away from the industrial farming model- a model heavily tied to Big Agriculture and the pesticide corporations like Monsanto that dominate the agriculture landscape. The article highlights the family farm in Centerfield, and its efforts to create a more sustainable, healthy, and  profitable farm.

In its move away from the industrial farming model, new practices save thousands of gallons of fuel/year, helping reduce emissions. Using organic material helps to conserve water and withstand drought. Using a more direct line to consumers has also increased the farm’s profits.

Farms like the Jensen’s help move Utah in the right direction. Moving away from Big Ag chemical corporations is in the best interest for not only the sustainability of our farms and climate, but for our health as well.

Read the article here.