Ozone Exposure Linked to Cognitive Decline in Older Adults, YSPH Study Finds

A new study by scientists at the Yale School of Public Health has found a connection between long term o-zone exposure, and increased risk of cognitive health issues in adults. The study, conducted in China, analyzed how long term ozone exposure affected the cognitive function of nearly 10,000 adults. The study states “For every 10 microgram increase of yearly average ozone exposure, the risk for cognitive impairment grew by more than 10%. Through their analysis, the researchers also found that this association held even when they abstracted away individual risk factors such as smoking, drinking and education level. That is, older adults in China who were exposed to high levels of yearly ozone pollution were more likely to develop cognitive disabilities later in life, no matter what other activities they were involved in.”

While we’re familiar with health problems exacerbated by poor air quality due to airborne particles, this study shines light on other health consequences of air pollution.

We need to take measures to prevent worsening our horrible air quality in Utah, and stop the destruction of our ozone. For the environment, and for our health.

We urge the Utah legislature to stop polluting projects like the Inland Port and Parley’s Canyon Mine, stop the spraying of harmful pesticides, and support initiatives that support improving our air quality, such as free mass transit.

Find the study here.