A new rail line proposal for a satellite port

UPHE is a major contributor to the Stop the Polluting Port Coalition (SPPC) and as the name implies we are dedicated to stopping the inland port. More heavy industry, more trucks, trains, pollution, dirty energy, more greenhouse gasses and low paying jobs should not be the economic future of Salt Lake or the rest of the state. The port, like other proposals for the Salt Lake valley, is great for a handful of developers, but hurts everyone else in the long run.

Recently, we’ve been hard at work explaining our concerns over “satellite ports” to the EPA, such as the one being pushed by Senator Romney’s son, Josh Romney in Tooele. SPPC’s work with the EPA is paying off because they are pushing back against a new rail line in Tooele that would open the door to massive expansion of an industrial warehouse farm being pushed by The Romney Group. The EPA wrote a letter to the Surface Transportation Board (STP) citing concerns over the rail’s impact on air quality and wetlands areas. “Many wetlands along the GSL have already been extensively altered or lost due to development pressures,” the EPA letter writes. They also point out the project is in an EPA nonattainment zone in Tooele County that is prone to particulate and ozone pollution. UPHE has also filed comments calling for an environmental review.

Governor Cox, and two Utah Congressmen also wrote letters to STB, but theirs were pushing for approval of the Romney rail line. Nepotism, and conflicts of interest should be just as offensive to everyone as more dirty energy. UPHE will continue to fight against anything in Utah that harms public health, increases pollution, uses up more water, or aggravates the climate crisis.

Please call Governor Cox, 801 538-1000, and tell him the Romney rail line in Tooele will only bring us dirty energy and more pollution, the opposite of what should be Utah’s future.