Parley’s Canyon mine & DOGM’s responsibility
After attempting to squeak past the appropriate public input process once, proponents of the proposed limestone mine in Parley’s Canyon are still fighting residents’ wishes, and have enlisted the help of lawmakers, who are elected to protect the people’s interests. On January 12, Granite made $10,000 in political contributions ($5,000 to the Utah Republican Senate Campaign Committee and $5,000 to the Utah House Republican Election Committee)
These were Granite’s first political contributions at the state level since contributing $20,000 to the Critical Infrastructure Materials Coalition in 2019, prior to the passage of the Critical Infrastructure Materials bill (which added protections for gravel pit operators).
“Quarry proponents — landowner Tree Farm LLC and its partner Granite Construction — contend DOGM’s role is limited to little more than processing paperwork at this stage. Meanwhile, municipal authorities have raised myriad concerns about how mining operations could wreak havoc in a protected watershed, unleash dust plumes into Utah’s most populated area and scar a landscape valued for recreation and wildlife habitat,” the Salt Lake Tribune writes.
Despite previously expressing intent for much larger operations, mine proponents have filed the mine under “small mining operations,” claiming it will disturb less than 20 acres. Experts and residents know this to be untrue, as the effects of the mine will be seen and felt far beyond the alleged 20 acres of land distribution.
“Under consideration for DOGM is Granite Construction’s June 16 notice to mine under Utah’s rules for small mining operations. Property owner Jesse Lassley had previously filed the notice as a large mine that would eventually consume 400 acres of hillside over 100 years of operation.
Critics want the proposal reviewed as a large mine, since that is what the proponents intend to operate someday, but DOGM has declined, arguing it is normal for quarry proponents to begin small and seek permission to expand if the economics justify a larger operation” the Tribune reports.
Although Granite Construction and Utah legislators are pushing the Division of Oil Gas and Mining (DOGM) to approve the small mining permit and move the process along, they seem to be taking the strong public opposition and far reaching consequences into consideration. Now is the time to do all we can do to express opposition and halt this project before it’s too late.
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