Dr. Moench Talks About the Dangers of Spraying Chemicals to Control Mosquitoes

Don’t miss UPHE on KRCL’s RadioACTive this week, talking about all the reasons why our mosquito abatement district needs to stop spraying pesticides. You can listen to it here.

“It makes no sense to expose hundreds of thousands of people to neurotoxic chemicals in a vain attempt to prevent a different neurotoxic disease in a few dozen people,” said Dr. Moench.

We encourage you to send an email to members of SLCMAD’s board and demand they stop the pesticide spraying, stop the chemical arms race, stop exposing hundreds of thousands of people to neurotoxic pesticides in a vain attempt to prevent a different neurotoxic disease in a few dozen people, drop their proposed tax increase, and stop drenching our environment in chemicals that harm virtually every form of life.

You can contact members of SLCMAD’s board at the following e-mail addresses: 

Ary Faragi ary@slcmad.org

Neil Vickers neil@slcmad.org

Carlton Christensen carlton@slcmad.org

Van Turner van@slcmad.org

La Vone Liddle liddle.lavone@yahoo.com

Dagmar Vitek DVitek@slco.org

Or call SLCMAD’s office at (801)355-9221

Read our white paper and sign the petition here