There is no safe level of air pollution

Photo by E P Kosmicki

You have heard us say for years that there is no safe level of air pollution exposure. New research adds even more evidence to the science behind that. Science Daily posted an article on new research that shows low levels of air pollution are even deadlier than we thought.

“A recent study now suggests that the annual global death toll from outdoor PM2.5 may be significantly higher than previously thought. That’s because the researchers found that mortality risk was increased even at very low levels of outdoor PM2.5, ones which had not previously been recognized as being potentially deadly, causing as many as 1.5 million additional deaths around the globe each year,” the article states. 

The research found that “outdoor PM2.5 may be responsible for as many as 1.5 million additional deaths around the globe each year because of effects at very-low concentrations that were not previously appreciated.”

While this new research seems meek, it’s important to understand the actual threat so we can inform policy makers to make the changes necessary to protect our health and future. 

Everything we can do to reduce pollution is a step in the right direction. We’ve sent out a number of ideas to reduce your own impact through our Blue Sky Tips. These include carpooling, taking public transit when possible, switching to electric lawn equipment, turning off your engine instead of idling, and combining errands to reduce car trips. If you’re interested in fighting pollution at the industrial level, please get involved in our fight against the Utah Inland Port, which will increase truck and vehicle trips by thousands per day. 

Read the Science Daily article here.