The impact of our air purifier program in Utah schools with DHHS
We are thrilled to share the results from a recent study by Women for a Healthy Environment, which underscores the effectiveness of portable air filters in reducing indoor pollutants in daycare and early learning centers. This is particularly relevant as Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment (UPHE) has successfully implemented similar measures in 70% of schools and 55% of daycare centers in Utah.
The study showed that portable air filters can reduce harmful indoor pollutants by 83%, targeting PM2.5, which is linked to asthma, heart disease, and neurodevelopmental problems.
Daycare providers reported fewer instances of coughing, allergies, asthma, and absenteeism among children and staff. Improved air quality also led to better-smelling air and a calmer atmosphere. This was feedback we received from many daycare providers as well as teachers throughout working on the joint program with the Utah Department of Health and Human Services’ program.
“Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate in this program! We’ve already noticed a difference in our environment and the parents have even noticed the reduction of cooties spreading amongst the group.” – Utah Daycare
Following the implementation of the program spearheaded by UPHE, states from New York to Oregon were calling us asking for recommendations on how to have a similar impact in their schools and daycares. UPHE is grateful for the opportunity to share our expertise and success with states across the country.
The Women for a Healthy Environment study investigated the efficiency of Medifair air filters in reducing PM2.5 levels in eight childcare centers across four distinct environmental justice neighborhoods in Philadelphia. Running from September 5 to October 20, 2023, each center participated for two weeks, with air quality monitors installed and training provided by IQAir. The study involved collocating sensors to ensure accuracy, and data collection included daily electronic logs by participants, noting AQI readings, classroom occupancy, filter speeds, and environmental conditions. HEPA filters were used under varying operational conditions to establish baseline and adjusted air quality metrics. Data was continuously monitored and analyzed to ensure quality and to identify any anomalies.
If the air purifiers continue to be used properly, schools and daycares should see a significant difference in reducing harmful exposures and improving health outcomes.
More research on clean air and education outcomes:
–Air purifiers reduce outdoor pollution inside
“During the inversion, indoor particulate matter levels didn’t reach unhealthy levels and were actually similar indoors at both schools, even though outdoor air pollution was slightly higher at West High. That’s probably due to the building’s air filters, Mendoza says.”writes Paul Gabrielsen, University of Utah
–Air purifiers improve test scores and cognitive function
“Within 30 minutes of breathing levels of diesel exhaust consistent with what children may breathe in an old bus on the way to school, EEG tests show abnormal brain wave activity of inflammation and general cortical stress, which reduces learning capability. Other studies show directly that air pollution inhaled in the morning, on the way to school, can affect a child’s ability to learn that same day in the classroom.”Dr. Brian Moench
–Air purifiers improve neurobehavioral function
“We found a significant relationship between chronic low-level traffic-related air pollution exposure and neurobehavioral function in exposed children.”Wang S, Zhang J, Zeng X, Zeng Y, Wang S, Chen S. Association of traffic-related air pollution with children’s neurobehavioral functions in Quanzhou, China.
-Air purifiers reduce absences
“Our work demonstrates that low-level exposure, even within levels compliant with NAAQS, can affect absence rates. These affected all school levels and schools of different socioeconomic circumstances.” Daniel L Mendoza et al 2020. Impact of low-level fine particulate matter and ozone exposure on absences in K-12 students and economic consequences
–Air purifiers reduce the risk and severity of COVID 19
“Acutely, air pollution increases the permeability of cells that line the respiratory tract, allowing easier penetration by the virus. Air pollution allows greater viral replication by decreasing the immune response, the scavenging of viruses by white blood cells, and the activity of antioxidants.”Dr. John Macfarlane